| 04 1224 4691 |
 | 08 9331 2509 |
Product & Services
We specialise in the MK lll King Cobra, a replica of the SC Shelby AC Cobra of the 60's. These Cobras were produced from 1963-1966. The first off the production line CSx2000 and around 1,000 produced (figures are very vague).
If you have a special kit car project that you have not finished and would like me to help please give me a call.
G-FORCE can also undertake all repairs on Cobras.
Insurance work is also an area we can help out with.
For more information give us a call at The Factory
G-Force Sports Cars WA
Unit 5/31 Peel Rd
O'Connor, Perth Western Australia 6163
Phone: 08 9331 2509
Mobile: 04 1224 4691
Email : shelby@iinet.net.au
Website : http://www.gforcesportscars.com.au
© 2018 G - Force.Pty.Ltd